18 November 2006

.....and action!

a short story about logic and laws made with deductive thinking!
Words by M.Wysocky

1) all lectures about science are boring
2) this is a lecture about science

3) this lecture is boring

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comes with ByteThumb  V 1.4 © Byteandicomes with ByteThumb  V 1.4 © Byteandicomes with ByteThumb  V 1.4 © Byteandicomes with ByteThumb  V 1.4 © Byteandi

02 November 2006

fingerprints, murder tools and false teeth

Today´s practical was held in the UCLan Crime Scene Houses.
Task: Take pictures of the crime scene. But don´t walk there in your lab coats - otherwise neighbours will be concerned that something is wrong.
Last week we had to take pictures in some man´s house (a big mess on the floor plus pictures of fairly undressed ladies on the walls should be enough to verify that thought) and recover fingerprints in a whole family´s residence (did you know you can buy the smell of vomit and all other sorts of things to make the crime scene appear more realistic?)
Today, however, we entered the clean and odourless apartment of an old lady, equipped with our camera and our weird sense of humour.
Being the excellent forensic scientists we are:

we directly discovered the probably most important source of evidence - where is it - let me see..... comes with ByteThumb  V 1.4 © Byteandi .....wait a second for me to put on my glasses...

oops - those must have belonged to the old lady comes with ByteThumb  V 1.4 © Byteandi
What I meant to say is, that our attraction immediately got drawn to some wonderful false teeth we directly fell in love with. I wonder why the intruder left them on her bookshelf.....

This fact turned him into a fascinating person. We wanted to find out more about him, so we decided to recover and photograph some evidence of his former presence at the scene of crime. There were dark fingerprints everywhere (how good he killed the old lady, she would have had the shock of her life seeing the mess he made of her walls.....).

One that was taken from a wooden background - almost impossible to see much detail with the human eye - even more difficult to get a good picture.

This one was taken from the handrail at the stairs next to her back door. Very hard to get the camera close enough to get an acceptable picture while staying in the same plane as the print.

We also recovered a piece of beautiful writing the suspect(s) left - "tell us where the cash is and you won´t get hurt"
It is hard to believe - but who ever it was really didn´t seem to have come for the denture...
What a nice gesture though, to put his knife on the paper in order to show our perished the truth in his words.

Or did he just leave it because he is one of the violent sort.....? comes with ByteThumb  V 1.4 © Byteandi